Tuesday, June 30, 2009

michael jackson autopsy leaked

michael jackson autopsy leaked

The Michael Jackson autopsy was leaked to British tabloids well before the Michael Jackson autopsy was supposed to come out. Once Jackson's autopsy was leaked, the details that came out were bound to turn some people's stomach. The Michael Jackson autopsy leak reveals that broken ribs, had only pills in his stomach, and was missing his hair and bridge to his nose. However, this Michael Jackson autopsy leak may actually be quite false.

British tabloids like the Sun leaked the Michael Jackson autopsy. Although it didn't come with pictures of the body, as some may have hoped, the Michael Jackson leaked autopsy details were still pretty graphic - and possibly filled with lies.

TMZ just recently posted that the Jackson autopsy leak was a complete fake. They did not give any proof to that, but TMZ reports that the story is "developing" and will likely have more details later.

For most of the day, reports have treated the British tabloid reports of Michael Jackson's autopsy as true. That may be due to their findings being sensationalistic, and paint a very harrowing picture of Michael Jackson's state at the time of death.

The Sun alleges that the Michael Jackson leaked autopsy results listed Jackson at only over 110 pounds at the time of death. His hair was all but gone, as was the bridge of his nose. Pills were the only thing found in Jackson's body, while he also allegedly had many broken ribs, bruises, and cuts on his back.

But the TMZ report may raise some doubts as to how true the autopsy leak is. In addition, a source told FOX News on Saturday that Jackson was surprisingly healthy, according to those performing the autopsy. The source said that Jackson had obvious facial scars, and bruises from people trying to revive him.

However, that report isn't nearly as horrifying as the autopsy that was just leaked - or made up. These reports are just part of the massive speculation and rumors around Jackson's final days, and how exactly he died.

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